Thursday, August 27, 2009

We often go berrying in our own place and in the shrubs near by, wow that is a real joy. Hey buddies have you ever gone berrying in your place. Usualy I go with ma friends. We collect them and eat them in large amounts, and they turn our lips and mouth violet. When we were small boys my mother would scold me for doing so, but, we would not stop going. Psersonaly I would like to tell you all something really intresting that all of you should watch and revisit your own place, atleast immediate vicinity of your home, you are sure to find out something really intresting and often, very often, something wonderfull.... your place has it's own beauty first discover it before turning your head towards other coveted destinations of world tourism. If you are destined to be born in a particular place god should have made something really special there, but you yourself find it out.... god never lets you down ...... say it agian never let our dear earth be down .... save earth.
with love and regards Sameer Abdulla.p

1 comment:

sameer said...

aadiam ente abhinandhanangal oppam ente ella ashamsakalum..... GOD BLESS YOU ini ethrakaalam pacha manusiarayi nam ivide undakum ennariyilla enkilum vishayam kollam (i have request please remove my photo )